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  • Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter

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    Millions of Americans have pets that bring them joy and comfort. But did you know that many people rely on animals for support to manage physical or psychological symptoms, maintain optimal functioning, or help assess potential danger?

    To qualify for an emotional support animal in public places, there must be a letter from a mental health professional stating that you have a disability and the animal provides necessary therapy for your condition.

    What is an Emotional Support Animal?

    An Emotional Support Animal or ESA is an animal that provides emotional benefits if you have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. An ESA can be an existing pet or one adopted for that purpose and does not require specialized training to assist you with your condition, although owners should ensure they’re well-trained in public. The animal’s job is to support you and your well-being. It is essential to mention that your emotional support animal does not have automatic access to every place a service dog may go. Therefore, it is best to ask establishments such as restaurants, shops, or malls whether your animal is allowed or if an exception can be made. Although ESAs do not have the same protections under the ADA as service animals, they may receive special consideration. Housing providers, however, must reasonably accommodate ESA owners even if they have a strict policy prohibiting pets. As of January 2021, emotional support animals are no longer recognized as service animals and are not permitted to fly with their owners unless they are pets.

    What is an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letter?

    Only a licensed professional in the mental health field can write a letter for you. Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letters are an official recommendation from a qualified, licensed mental health practitioner stating your need for an animal to assist you in your daily living. Therefore you must have a chronic mental illness that impairs or limits functioning in one or more life domains. The letter prepared for you will demonstrate that the ESA is therapeutically necessary to improve the impact of your disabling symptoms and reduce distress.


    Is an ESA for me?

    For an animal to be legally recognized as an ESA, you must demonstrate a need for an emotional support animal to alleviate symptoms or improve overall functioning.

    What animals qualify?

    Please note that our ESA letters are for qualifying dogs or cats only. The type or breed of your cat or dog does not matter as long as your pet is not aggressive and is well-behaved. The assessment does not validate the safety or appropriateness of your animal in other settings. Additional charges apply to multiple animals.

    Can you explain the process?

    The four steps to the process are smooth and quick.

    STEP ONE: Contact Us.

    STEP TWO: Schedule an appointment.

    STEP THREE: Meet with the Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) to conduct an assessment (with your animal present).

    STEP FOUR: Receive a signed ESA letter from the licensed mental health practitioner on company letterhead.

    Is it in-person or virtual?

    Our assessments are virtual, so you won’t have to travel to an office. We work via a secured teleconferencing platform for your convenience.

    How long does it take?

    The mental health assessment can last between 60 and 90 minutes.

    How much does it cost?

    Your assessment and ESA letter is $250.00.

    We need up to seven (7) business days to prepare and send your ESA letter. However, letters can be expedited under certain circumstances. For a 24-hour turnaround time, additional costs will apply.

    For a 48-hour turn-around time, the cost is $275.

    For a 24-hour turn-around time, the cost is $300.

    Renewal letters for established clients are $100

    Do you work with people in my local area?

    Currently, we can work with Georgia, Florida, and Kansas residents.

    You will need to validate your residence.

    Do you know if the letters are renewed annually?

    Yes, most employers, schools, and residential properties require annual renewal letters. A reassessment is needed annually to determine your current mental health status. Fees will apply.

    Do you offer refunds?

    We do not offer refunds.

    What do I need to do to prepare for the evaluation?

    Please ensure your pet is present during the entire assessment time. Email a picture to our secured email and indicate the name, age, sex, color, and breed of your animal.

    How do I get started?

    To get started, please complete the contact form below!

    For more information, please complete the contact form below!

    Reach out to us today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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