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  • Our Mission & Story

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    Our Mission

    Mission: Mindz Matter is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit that aims to provide mental health education and resources through community efforts to youth athletes and youth sports organizations primarily in underserved communities.

    Vision Statement: Mindz Matter envisions a future where youth sports organizations within underserved communities produce physically and mentally sound CHAMPIONS. Poverty-stricken communities have little to no access to mental health care, creating a health disparity. Mindz Matter strives to improve the mental health equity of athletes that are affected by various social determinants of health.

    Core Values:

    1. Education – We treat challenges as learning opportunities, and continually evolve to meet the needs of the athletes and sports organizations we work with based on what we learn.
    2. Integrity – We hold ourselves and one another responsible for ensuring Mindz Matter maximizes its impact, and we do what we say we will do.
    3. Community & Teamwork – We are deeply connected with athletes, their parents, coaches, and our community. We commit to allowing their voices to guide our work, and to partner with them to help them thrive.
    4. Innovation – We move quickly and continuously to innovate our approach in response to the needs of the athletes and sports organizations we work with and the community we are part of.
    5. Wellbeing – We foster safe spaces that enhance the social, emotional, and physical well-being of athletes and youth sports organizations while also making our community a safer place to live.

    Our Story

    The Founder and CEO, Jasmine Cohen, of Mindz Matter is a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Georgia and a licensed specialized clinical social worker in the state of Kansas. She has 10 years of experience in providing direct client care, administrative, and executive support in the behavioral health, social service, federal, and public sectors. She has recently started her private practice as a social work & behavioral health consultant but has worked in the field in various capacities for an extensive period of time. In her role, Cohen routinely creates and facilitates development opportunities for social work professionals, provides clinical social work supervision (Georgia and Kansas), and works collaboratively with community partners. Jasmine is a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional and a Certified Clinical Telemental Health Provider.

    “As the Founder of Mindz Matter, I was inspired to create this nonprofit, as I was once an athlete, competing at the collegiate level, and gained personal insight on what it means to be an athlete, not only the physical aspects but the mental part too. Being a student-athlete comes with unique and compounded stressors, that if not addressed, could potentially cause an athlete to fail mentally and physically. As I completed my collegiate athletic career, I decided to pursue a career in Clinical Social Work, as a means to impact the lives of others through education and providing mental health services to vulnerable populations. Being around various sports the majority of my life and being surrounded by family and friends who have competed at all levels, including professionally, I have created profound programming to assist athletes to stay mentally sound and deal with stressors that may come with competing, on and off the court/field/floor. Witnessing many athletes that reside and/or come from low socioeconomic backgrounds and impoverished environments, suffer mentally and physically, through the COVID-19 Pandemic due to lack of access to mental health resources, having their seasons and lives abruptly stopped and changed, truly inspired me to create this nonprofit. Seeing youth athletes at the start of their athletic careers and not having the proper tools and/ or resources to cope with such a devastating life event, it is clear how this call to action to assist athletes is imperative.”

    Inspirational Quotes

    “Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like muscles of the body.”

    - Lynn Jennings (Long Distance Runner)

    “Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you.”

    - Beyoncé

    “Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

    ― Marianne Williamson

    “Everyone is going through something that we can’t see. The thing is, because we can’t see it, we don’t know who’s going through what and we don’t know when and we don’t always know why. Mental health is an invisible thing, but it touches all of us at some point or another. It’s part of life.”

    - Kevin Love

    “Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them — a desire, a dream, a vision.”

    -Muhammad Ali (World Heavy Weight Champion Boxer)

    “Know yourself and you will win all battles.”

    - Lao Tzu (Chinese Philosopher)

    Reach out to Mindz Matter today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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