Who We Are

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Our Mission

Through this organization, we seek to help shed light on the importance of the upkeep of mental health, as well as physical health, as individuals travel through their personal lives and athletic careers. Mindz Matter provides unique programming that includes evidenced-based therapy modalities, psycho-education, and mental health tips, ensuring that individuals and athletes are mentally sound while engaging in everyday life obstacles or competing within various levels.

About Me

Jasmine Cohen is a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Georgia and a licensed specialized clinical social worker in the state of Kansas. She has 10 years of experience in providing direct client care, administrative, and executive support in the behavioral health, social service, federal, and public sectors. She has recently started her private practice as a social work & behavioral health consultant but has worked in the field in various capacities for an extensive period of time. In her role, Cohen routinely creates and facilitates development opportunities for social work professionals, provides clinical social work supervision (Georgia and Kansas), and works collaboratively with community partners. Jasmine is a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional and a Certified Clinical Telemental Health Provider.

Outside of this, she also serves as the founder of her Nonprofit, Mindz Matter. Cohen's academic career started at Rollins College in 2014, where she earned a bachelor's degree in Psychology. She would then go on to receive a master's in social work from the University of Central Florida where she was named the 2017 Clinical Student of the Year and is currently pursuing her doctorate in social work from the University of Kentucky, with a concentration in Military Behavioral Health. Some of Cohen's professional memberships include the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports and the National Association of Black Social Workers.

Professional Experience

  • Non-Profit Founder (Mindz Matter)
  • Clinical Social Work Practice
  • Military Behavioral Health
  • Sports Social Work
  • Child Welfare
  • Hospice
  • Corrections/ Medical Prison
  • School Social Work
  • Community Mental Health
  • Social Work Program Development

As the Founder of Mindz Matter, I was inspired to create this nonprofit, as I was once an athlete, competing at the collegiate level, and gained personal insight on what it means to be an athlete, not only the physical aspects but the mental part too. Being a student-athlete comes with unique and compounded stressors, that if not addressed, could potentially cause an athlete to fail mentally and physically. As I completed my collegiate athletic career I decided to pursue a career in Clinical Social Work, as a means to impact the lives of others through psychotherapy, education, and providing mental health services to vulnerable populations. Being around various sports the majority of my life and being surrounded by family and friends who have competed at all levels, including professionally, I have created profound programming to assist athletes to stay mentally sound and deal with stressors that may come with competing, on and off the court/field/floor. Witnessing many athletes suffer, mentally and physically, through the COVID-19 Pandemic due to having their seasons and lives abruptly stopped and changed, truly inspired me to create this nonprofit. Seeing athletes at all stages of their athletic careers and not having the proper tools and/ or resources to cope with such a devastating life event, it is clear how this call to action to assist athletes is imperative.


  • Alliance of Social Workers in Sports
  • National Association of Black Social Workers

Inspirational Quotes

"Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like muscles of the body."

- Lynn Jennings (Long Distance Runner)

"Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you."

- Beyoncé

“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

― Marianne Williamson

“Everyone is going through something that we can’t see. The thing is, because we can’t see it, we don’t know who’s going through what and we don’t know when and we don’t always know why. Mental health is an invisible thing, but it touches all of us at some point or another. It’s part of life.”

- Kevin Love

“Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision.”

-Muhammad Ali (World Heavy Weight Champion Boxer)

"Know yourself and you will win all battles."

- Lao Tzu (Chinese Philosopher)

Meet the Board Members

Angelina Kincy

Angelina Kincy is a marketing professional with experience within multiple industries but profoundly in sports. She currently works in the corporate partnership marketing team for the Dallas Cowboys Football Club. She graduated with her marketing degree from the illustrious Florida State University. She loves all sports and believes sports are a great avenue for child development. Angelina is am a former soccer player and sports has always played an integral role in her life!

SSgt Devon M. Smith

Devon Smith is Company Fire Officer in the United States Air Force. The St.Petersburg Florida native is a 2004 graduate of Lakewood Senior High School who has participated in a wide variety of athletic & scholastic activities from little league through college, spanning 3 decades. Smith who served as a Senior Lifeguard Instructor for the city of St. Petersburg for 5 years teaching swimming and diving lessons, also served as Captain of the baseball, tennis, & diving teams, and Drum-major in the Spartans legendary "Soul of the South" marching band. Additionally, Smith played football, ran track, swam, cheered, played music, danced, and performed theater.

After joining the Air Force and becoming a Firefighter, Smith committed his efforts and experience into public service, teaching, instructing, and mentoring junior firefighters and Airmen, building future leaders today. Smith coached Junior Varsity Baseball while stationed in California, teaches swimming and diving, and music in his spare time.

Jerica Coley

Jerica Coley is a registered dietitian, currently working as a Clinical Dietitian in LTC facilities in Florida. She received her B.S. and M.S. in Dietetics and Nutrition from Florida International University (FIU). Jerica played women's basketball while attending FIU where she was known as "Holy Coley"! She is FIU's all-time leading scorer and is fifth on the NCAA's Division I women's career scoring list and is a two-time national scoring champion.

Kymbriell Finch

Kymbriell Finch is the Founder of Swim with Kym LLC- a program determined to teach 1,803 students water safety & drowning prevention; in honor of the Igbo Landing Mass Suicide! Since 2010, she has dedicated her passions & voice to creating opportunities within the Tampa Bay Area, to provide accessible swim lessons. When she is not in the water, she is advocating for equal aquatic resources to better serve undervalued communities.

Tianah Alvarado

Tianah attended Lakewood High School in Saint Petersburg, Florida, were she was a four-year starter and lead her team to its third-consecutive Class 5A state semifinal appearance. She was named the Pinellas County Player of the Year as a senior. She then went to play at the University of Mississippi, Gulf Coast Community College, and then finished her college career at Florida International University. After graduating in 2017, she went on to teach at Cutler Bay Middle School in Miami, Florida. Not long after she worked for DCF as a dependency case manager for about 2 years and currently works with young adults in extended foster care at Citrus Family Care Network.

Tracia Richmond

Tracia Richmond is a Business Account Manager with Capital One Financial Corporation. She received her Fashion Merchandising degree from Bauder College in Atlanta Georgia and will receive her B.A. in Business Management from Eckerd College in Saint Petersburg Florida.

Tracia is also an Financial Advisor for World Financial Group, a multi-level, marketing company, and the CEO and Founder of Top Half. Tracia has worked with educators to establish successful strategies for teaching and supporting students with disabilities. While enjoying life, she conveys gratitude by volunteering for beach clean-ups and youth track and field.

Her hobbies are staying fit, coin collecting, traveling, and spending time with her grandchildren!

Reach out to Mindz Matter today!

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