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  • Comprehensive ADHD Evaluations for Children and Adults

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    Serving clients in Florida, Georgia, and Kansas

    Is your child having difficulties at school, in peer relationships, or with their behavior at home due to dysregulated attention, inattentiveness, hyperactivity, or impulsivity? 

    Are you an adult who consistently struggles with forgetfulness, organization, and completing tasks, and has to work extremely hard to focus on the things you need to do instead of the things you love?

    If you do, consider reading more below about Attention- eficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and receiving a comprehensive evaluation.

    Our evaluation is comprehensive and collaborative. What this means is we work with you to help you rule out other concerns you might have for yourself or your child and determine together what the best interventions may be. ADHD can be a complicated clinical diagnosis for some; it cannot always be quickly diagnosed (or ruled out!) with one questionnaire or screening form.

    It is important to note that there are other conditions besides ADHD that can cause similar symptoms. These conditions include learning disabilities, head trauma, PTSD, anxiety, as well as some medical factors such as anemia, Lyme Disease, high blood pressure, Fibromyalgia, and more.

    Furthermore, ADHD is often accompanied by other issues such as anxiety, learning disabilities (such as dyslexia or dysgraphia), sensory issues, and autism. Sometimes, these accompanying issues are identified early on, but the ADHD component can be missed, which can create barriers to achieving personal goals and understanding.

    What is ADHD?

    Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is an over-arching and consistent challenge with self-regulation that interferes with functioning. Our current guidelines for ADHD come from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition or DSM-5-TR.

    Unlike the name suggests, ADHD is more accurately explained as a dysregulation of attention; the brain has difficulty paying attention to what it is supposed to pay attention to when it is supposed to pay attention to it, and for how long it is supposed to pay attention. Individuals with this type of attention challenge often struggle with attention (persistence) toward the future because what interests them in the present takes center stage. This does not mean people with these differences don’t care about the future important tasks or being cooperative. Engaging with those things and being mindful of their activities is harder.

    The DSM classifies ADHD in 3 different types of current presentations: Inattentive Presentation, Impulsive/Hyperactive Presentation, or Combined Type (Inattentive and Impulsive/Hyperactive).

    We are accepting new referrals for evaluations now with little to no wait to get started!

    Symptoms of ADHD

    While individuals with ADHD can have distinctly different sets of strengths and support needs, some overarching similarities must be present (according to the DSM-5-TR) often enough to contribute to significant challenges with social, occupational, or academic functioning. (Are you picking up on the “disordered” mindset here?)

    Inattentive Presentation: Difficulty regulating attention, making careless mistakes, forgetfulness in daily activities, not seeming to listen, difficulty following through on chores or responsibilities, difficulty with organization, easily distracted.

    Impulsive/Hyperactive Presentation: Fidgety or restless, feel like they are often “on the go,” talk excessively, interrupt others or blurt out answers, difficulty waiting their turn and staying seated when staying seated is expected.

    Combined Presentation: Currently meets criteria for both of the above types.

    What’s Included in the ADHD Evaluations?

    The Assessment package includes:

    • 3 x 1-hour clinical consultations.
    • Administration of three – four ADHD validated measures and a Psychological Profiling Test.
    • Full clinical and psychosocial assessment
    • Full developmental, mental health, and medical history (collateral school reports or doctors’ referral letters can be helpful).
    • Observer reports of the person’s symptoms or mental state.
    • Comprehensive Assessment Report: Whether you are diagnosed with ADHD or not, we aim to send you helpful information and recommendations for your next steps.
    • Recommendations for future support.

    Myths and Misunderstandings

    Individuals with ADHD are NOT:

    Dumb, lazy, need to try harder, bad/naughty, only boys, only hyperactive, able to always “outgrow” it, a result of “bad parenting”, over-diagnosed, over-medicated, only a disorder of childhood, destined to have substance abuse disorders.

    Individuals with ADHD CAN:

    Focus on some things (sometimes really well!), succeed, have many strengths, get support, be gifted in other areas, feel good about themselves, learn to handle emotions better, have fulfilling relationships, accomplish their dreams, be ok JUST as they are!

    Payment Options

    • Comprehensive attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) assessments are charged at $1,200 for children and $1,000 for adults. The assessment (approximately 5 hours), analysis, feedback session, and a comprehensive report with recommendations are included. A deposit of $500 is taken two (2) weeks before your appointment, which will go toward the full assessment cost and be deducted from the balance due on the day.
    • Unfortunately, health insurance providers do not provide rebates for psychometric testing.
    • We can stop or pause the evaluation process at different points if appropriate. If significant concerns require a referral to another provider or treatment modality, we will alert you as soon as possible. Pricing is then locked in for 3 months following the most recent appointment so you can return to the evaluation process later.

    Three (3) business days’ notice is required to cancel or change an appointment.
    Notice received less than 3 business days before the appointment will forfeit your $500 deposit.

    Don’t hesitate to contact us at (762) 901-2297 or email [email protected] if you need to make any changes to your appointment.



    Answer: While no screening questionnaire is 100% accurate, completing the following questionnaire may provide some insight into the degree to which you experience ADHD-like symptoms:

    Why can’t my doctor or my child’s pediatrician diagnose ADHD?

    Answer: They might be able/willing to! Many doctors are an excellent place to start for concerns around ADHD and anxiety. Sometimes physicians or nurse practitioners might want a more detailed assessment or might have questions around possible co-occurring diagnoses, so they refer their patients to an outside mental health provider or psychologist.

    We are concerned that our child has a learning disability, can you help us with that?

    Answer: Your child’s pediatrician and school are the best places to start a discussion regarding possible learning disabilities. If, during the course of our evaluation, we suspect there might be the presence of a learning disability, we will communicate that to you ASAP and guide you in the right direction, however we are not able to diagnose specific learning disabilities. 

    I am an adult and think I might have ADHD. Is it too late to seek a diagnosis?

    Answer: No! It is never too late to seek the proper medical care. If you are over the age of 65, we may recommend a memory or neurological consultation first, to rule out any normal age-related brain changes or non-age related brain changes. Check out Upstate Geriatric Care for a memory evaluation.


    Answer: Treatment for ADHD most commonly involves a combination of medication and behavioral strategies. Medication can help you improve your capacity to sustain attention to learn new behavioral strategies. Many people with ADHD find an ADHD coach or ADHD skills group program helpful.

    I am scared that if we receive an ADHD diagnosis, someone will force me or my child to take medication. 

    Answer: A diagnosis is a set of criteria that explains what is happening in your or your child’s life at that time, and can guide treatment. Treatment for ADHD includes education, awareness, accommodation and modification of the environment and sometimes medication. ADHD medications have been researched for a long time, are safe and highly effective, but some people opt to not take them or some people cannot tolerate the side effects.

    No one should force ADHD medication upon you or your child, but please, get educated first-there are a lot of myths out there about ADHD medications. Just like anything else in life- there can sometimes be risks to taking medication, but there can also be risks to not taking medication. Among them: accidents, lower academic success, financial mistakes, poor socialization, low-self esteem, anxiety, etc.

    Learn about all your treatment options so you can make an informed choice in your care or your child’s care.


    Answer: Licensed clinical social workers can provide a diagnosis of ADHD. However, we do not prescribe medication. If a diagnosis of ADHD is made we recommend a referral to a psychiatrist for medication (if desired), and are able to recommend a number of psychiatrists who work with adults and children with ADHD. 

    I am scared to have the label of ADHD for me or my child. Won’t people have negative judgements or will my child think there is something wrong with them?

    Answer: People have judgments, and we cannot control what others think. Our job is to help you or your child to understand current strengths and needs and learn how to be a good advocate for what needs are present. Often if we do not give the proper “label,” like ADHD, individuals can end up “labeling” themselves as “bad, lazy, stupid, annoying, weird,” or worse. Sometimes, the proper terminology frees the individual to be themselves without shame and find a supportive community! Once the evaluation is complete, you have your report with any diagnosis listed, and YOU can show it to whomever you want or don’t want.

    For more information, please complete the contact form below!

    Reach out to us today!

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